Good Morning!
It is Technology Tuesday, and I believe today we are chatting about Twitter! I actually signed up for Twitter many years ago when my girls signed up. Mostly, I used my account for following others and hearing about what was going on in their lives. It seemed silly to do little updates about an everyday life American...but it was interesting hearing about a "star's" life or what was new going on in the world. I didn't tweet. I just followed tweets! (Does that make me a Twitter stalker?)
Since then, Twitter has blown up, and my sweet daughter, Kelci, a social media guru, told me the benefits of using it in my classroom. Also, we heard about it a lot at DENapalooza and our great technology person, Ashleigh, gave me a few tips.
So, when my parents came for open house last week, I gave them my info and told them how to follow me with Wallace updates. My hashtags will be #throughfirstgradeeyes. For now, I will probably use it just to give my families brief updates of what is going on in the classroom and to learn about great things going on in the education world. Let's see where it goes from there....TWEET TWEET Rockin' Robin....doo ta doo... :) (imagine a whistle here.)
Happy Technology Tuesday! Have you thought about great apps you enjoy or cool technology and want to share? Post it here!
:) Marie
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