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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Building Community

Every year, what is most important to me is building classroom community.  I want my kiddos to feel safe and happy and eager to learn.   This takes time and serious intentions and many valuable tools.

This summer I've been re-reading many of my favorite texts in order to remain true to what I know works for kids.  These great texts include Love and Logic and The Responsive Classroom.  I added a text from the Responsive Classroom called The First Six Weeks of School.

I also have a background in Peacebuilders, which reminds me that students need a sense of belonging and purpose.  We do a community circle several times a week where we do Praises and Prides.  First, we begin by making sure students remember to see the golden nuggets in others, but also to know that it's okay to find golden nuggets in ourselves.  Our society often places a judgement upon us remembering to notice good things in ourselves saying that we ate full off ourselves our that we are bragging... I happen to think it's healthy to feel good about yourself. You can't give what you don't have.  Many times in our life experience we are left alone to encourage ourselves, and if we don't know how to do it, our only recourse might be to get negative attention. When students learn to fill their own bucket, they are less spot to expect it from everyone else. ( more on this later)

Looking back, if I could narrow my focus, I would stay with the Responsive Classroom book, specifically the book, The First Six Weeks

What I love about Responsive classroom is that there is constant, daily reinforcement and practice of basic common courtesies...namely, greeting each other.  We begin from day 1, acknowledging each other in the classroom, making eye contact, being genuine in our care for others.  For many, this comes easily, for others, with tougher experiences and perhaps some trust issues, this might take longer.  I promise, with due diligence that even the toughest come around because you prove to them multiple times that you will be there to support them and build them up.  Oftentimes as classroom teachers, we worry about how we will get all that curriculum in and teach all that we are responsible for.  However, it is these initial beginnings of helping our students to feel physically and emotionally safe that allow that learning to happen.  Without it, the information ends up being a "fly by" and sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't.   This book assists teachers map out these routines throughout the six weeks with plenty of opportunity to practice for success and mastery, leaving an easier path for learning.

If you only add one thing this year, add a morning meeting or a morning greeting.  Students stand taller and open up more, just having been greeted that morning.  Also, it allows for time to practice routines successfully and purposefully.  Remember the first weeks are vital for year-long success. When the kids feel safe and know you love them, there is community, and with community, all things are possible.

As the year goes on, I will talk about these topics more in depth.  For now, there are a few quick start ups on YouTube under Responsive Classroom.

Happy trails, and may your school year be blessed. 

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