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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why We Write

When I first encountered the Lucy Calkins' writing, I was so afraid!
How does it look?  Can I do it?  Is it an effective program?  A million questions went through my mind.  You know; I'm sure you've gone through this on many of your curriculum adventures.

One brave teacher  allowed me to go to her room and observe, and my prinicipal covered me for 15 whole minutes.  That was a big deal to me because I know how busy principals are.   In those minutes, what I observed was students engaged and enthralled with writing, and I was hooked.   I KNEW this was the program for me, and even though I wasn't sure of myself,
I took the plunge!   I've been in love ever since.

Here's my favorite part:  I get to learn so much about my kiddos, their favorite things, what gets them excited, what moves them,  what matters - heart and soul things.   And talk about building community, the kids enjoy hearing each other's stories because they can relate to each other.  Talk about connections! 

So, last week, one of my kids who was having trouble getting started writing knew that he was supposed to get to share with the class that day....I hadn't gotten back around to him yet, so I was almost afraid of what he would share that day (usually I try to get around to previewing them all first) top it off, it was a day the literacy coach popped in..."well this ought to be good I thought to myself. "

Well,  the little boy wrote only 3 lines and repeated them.  

Here they are:  "No Bee Bee Stop or I'll spank you!  No Bee Bee Stop or I'll spank you!  No Bee Bee Stop or I'll spank you! "  (I tried to write it like he did...)

The kids were rolling over on the floor laughing, and they didn't even know key details!   So when 2 stars and a wish came around, the kids said they loved how he made them laugh, but they really wanted to know who Bee Bee was (his cat, which really made the kids laugh harder) and why did he want to spank her?   (because she kept meowing)...I asked him how that worked for him, and he said, not too well, because she kept doing it. 

This was validation for him.  It was an aha moment, and a teachable moment on how important it is to be clear...but also taught the kids how important it was for them to write and tell us about their lives.  

The coach, by the way, stated she wanted badly to introduce that she had a text to self connection with her dog and their family pizza eaten off the counter, but that she didn't want to distract the kids..

See what I would have missed had I never taken the chance?   It's such a flexible program, research based, and best of all, AUTHENTIC.

This is why we write; OUR WRITING CONNECTS US....

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