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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thankful Thursday - It's all about Happiness!

It amazes me when things fall in place.  It means that they are just meant to be.  Daily at school, we work on character.  Sometimes it's short snippets or stories or quotes, but always some reminder that our character is important.  Every day I write them a message on the board and tell them that they are amazing or wonderful or terrific and invite them to meet eyes with someone in the room and remind them they are special too.  This creates a positive atmosphere which passes on exponentially all day!  We talk about how this one act of kindness can spread much as the "Pay it Forward" campaign.

In addition, every Thursday, we have Thankful Thursday, and we pass Stanley, our class pet, around the circle, and name something we are thankful for.  To me, gratitude should be rated extremely high.  As we are grateful for things, we begin to feel truly blessed, and I believe we feel much happier.

Today, during lunch, I was able to open this video from daughter, where they show the Science of happiness.  And without me really knowing it out loud, only from following my truth inside, I've learned the Secret of happiness and wish to pass it on to you and yours

                      TRY IT OUT!    

Children don't inherently know or understand many feelings, they have to be learned, and gratitude is one of those feelings.  Now we know from Science that gratitude is an integral part of being happy.   Even if you don't believe this to be an exact Science, you should try this little experiment out for yourself.   You'll be amazed by the results.  Remember, it is an experiment that works best over time. 

I cn't wait to hear about your experiments.  Report your results here!  If you've tried some other happiness experiments that you'd like to share, please post it here.  I'd love to try them myself.

Happy Thankful Thursday!
p.s.   for some reason this post didn't post on Thankful Thurs, but just as relevant!

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